Dallas - Fort Worth (214) 414-1900

Archive for May, 2022

Beware Of New Backdoor Malware Targeting Linux Users

The name Kevin Beaumont may not be familiar to you, but if you're a Linux or Solaris user, he may have just saved you a whole lot of grief. Recently, Mr. Beaumont ...

New Phishing Scams Using Twitter Account Emails

Hackers around the world are increasingly targeting verified Twitter accounts with emails designed to pilfer your Twitter login credentials. Verified Twitter accounts differ from standard Twitter accounts in that they sport a ...

Tricky Ransomware Encrypts Small Data But Overwrites Large Data

The MalwareHunterTeam recently discovered a new ransomware operation that is particularly nasty.  Called Onyx, outwardly, the operation does what most ransomware campaigns do.  It gets inside a corporate network, exfiltrates the data ...

Popular Service Being Used To Send Phishing Emails

Google SMTP relay service is wildly popular and used every day by legions of users.  Unfortunately, hackers around the world are aware of this and increasingly they've begun abusing the SMTP relay ...

Security Warnings Coming To Certain Google Apps To Help Users

Google has been making some fantastic changes to bolster user security in recent weeks. That includes changes to their Google Play Store that will require developers to disclose exactly what data they ...

Three Big Companies Working On Passwordless Login Options

Ask just about any IT security professional and they will tell you that weak user passwords are one of the biggest problems and most persistent threats to corporate networks. Despite years of ...

New Delivery Method For Ransomware Discovered Called Bumblebee

Some interesting and disturbing changes are afoot in the hacking world.  It appears that the TrickBot gang is now working for the Conti Syndicate. TrickBot is a well-known group of botnet developers ...

Microsoft Edge Browser To Get Free Limited VPN

There's a big change coming to the Microsoft Edge browser.  Big enough that it may prompt some users to switch to Edge. Recently, Microsoft announced that they'll be adding a free built-in ...

Many IOT Devices At Risk Due To DNS Vulnerability

How many "smart" devices do you have connected to your home or company network?  It's probably a higher number than you originally estimated.  However large that number is, it pays to be ...

Users Without Internet Explorer Updates Are Vulnerable To Malware

Researchers at Bitdefender have discovered a new malware campaign.  This one uses an attack method that has fallen out of favor in recent months, called the Exploit Kit. Exploit Kits used to ...


Seamlessly Integrate App Security Into Cyber Defense

Seamlessly Integrate App Security Into Cyber Defense

Cybersecurity incidents continue to keep pace with technological advancements, and the more sophisticated and insidious criminals become, the more these[...]
Empowering Small Businesses to Leverage AI’s Potential

Empowering Small Businesses to Leverage AI’s Potential

If there’s one thing we can all agree on in today’s world, AI is for everyone. The explosion of user-friendly[...]
Why Businesses Are Leaving the Public Cloud Behind

Why Businesses Are Leaving the Public Cloud Behind

New innovations have transformed businesses, such as cloud computing, and there are no signs of slowing down. However, while companies[...]


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3010 LBJ Freeway Suite 1200
Dallas, TX 75234
(214) 414-1900

Plano (Help Desk / NOC)

6600 Chase Oaks Blvd, Suite 100
Plano, TX 75023


Since 2009, Sysoptix has been a leading provider of IT support and consulting, focusing on small and medium sized businesses in Dallas, Fort Worth, and Surrounding Areas. We have helped hundreds of businesses increase productivity and profitability by making IT a streamlined part of operations. We equip our clients with customized technology solutions for greater operational value and to reduce risk.

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